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Battery Burner Hardcore 120 caps
As the name suggests, Battery Burner Hardcore is an extremely powerful and efficient weight and body fat management formula that contains a synergistic combination of synephrine, caffeine, naringin, dandelion extract, and other natural fat-burning compounds that help physically active individuals and athletes achieve theirs To reduce body mass. Battery Burner Hardcore contains a variety of natural compounds known to be beneficial for fat loss and carefully selected to work synergistically to safely deliver consistent and visible results. Synephrine is a naturally occurring substance that is particularly abundant in the bitter orange fruit (Citrus aurantium). The metabolic boost of synephrine is significantly increased in combination with naringin. Naringin is a flavonoid found in grapefruits, oranges, and the skin of tomatoes. Research shows that naringin stimulates the production of a hormone called adiponectin, which is involved in breaking down fat cells and activates a type of receptor in fat cells that regulates fat mobilization. In addition, caffeine has been added to the formula. Not only does the caffeine give you a boost of energy, it also works synergistically with the synephrine, enhancing the fat-breaking properties of the caffeine and synephrine. Theobromine (made from cocoa seed extract) works with caffeine to suppress appetite, increase muscle activity to help burn stored fat, and help shed water weight. The dandelion extract promotes an additional diuretic effect and helps to eliminate excess water from the body and contribute to the body's water balance. In order to increase the bioavailability of all active ingredients in the body, the patented and clinically proven nutrient absorption enhancer Bioperine was added to the formula. Combined with a proper diet and exercise routine, Battery Burner Hardcore will definitely help you lose fat and achieve lean body shape faster. Recommendation: For the hardcore effect, take 4 capsules once a day, preferably after a meal. Initially, to assess tolerance, take half a serving (2 capsules) or you can split the serving and take 2 capsules twice a day.

Content: 90 Gram (CHF 52.11* / 100 Gram)

CHF 46.90*
Battery BCAA 10:1:1 Hardcore 300g
Food supplement powder with amino acids and sweeteners. A composition of high quality amino acids (leucine, valine and isoleucine) in a ratio of 10: 1: 1, which help to reduce exhaustion and tiredness. The product has been specially developed for athletes and active people.

Content: 300 Gram (CHF 11.63* / 100 Gram)

CHF 34.90*
Battery BCAA 10:1:1 Hardcore 300g
Food supplement powder with amino acids and sweeteners. A composition of high quality amino acids (leucine, valine and isoleucine) in a ratio of 10: 1: 1, which help to reduce exhaustion and tiredness. The product has been specially developed for athletes and active people.

Content: 300 Gram (CHF 11.63* / 100 Gram)

CHF 34.90*
Battery Vitamin Antiox Hardcore 90 caps
Dietary supplement with vitamins, minerals, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10 and herbal extracts. This is a convenient all-in-one product that contains a full range of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in a perfectly balanced formula that will help you: • Strengthen your immune system • Fight against oxidative stress • Slow down the aging process Oxidation is a natural process in the body that cannot be stopped, but we can minimize its effects on our health and appearance by following a healthy lifestyle and constantly adding antioxidants to the body. The BATTERY VITTERY VIT & MIN ANTIOX HARDCORE formula is composed of vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts that have special antioxidant properties and that will help support your energy levels, metabolism, immunity, detoxification and much more! KEY VITAMINS • Water-soluble vitamins (C and group B): help with energy production and release, with building proteins and cells and with collagen production • Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D and E): help to build up bones, protect the eyesight, enable specific interactions in the body and protect against oxidation processes KEY MINERALS • Magnesium: helps with protein synthesis, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, immune system health • Iron: necessary for the transport of oxygen in the body and the energy metabolism • Zinc: important for protein synthesis and production of genetic material, wound healing, normal development of the fetus, production of sperm, normal growth and sexual maturation, immune system health • Iodine: found in the thyroid hormone that regulates growth, development and metabolism • Selenium: powerful antioxidant • Chromium: works closely with insulin to help regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels IMPORTANT HERBAL EXTRACTS AND ANTIOXIDANTS • Chlorella: a genus of unicellular green algae that is rich in chlorophyll and vitamin A (beta-carotene) • Barley grass: used in traditional medicine mainly for its high chlorophyll and antioxidant content • Hesperidin: a flavanone glycoside found in citrus fruits • Quercetin: a vegetable flavonol from the group of flavonoids of the polyphenols. It is found in many fruits, vegetables, leaves, and grains. It has anti-inflammatory effects. • Resveratrol: a polyphenol known for its antioxidant properties • Grape seed extract: a source of antioxidants • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): an antioxidant that is lipo- and fat-soluble • Coenzyme Q10: a vitamin-like compound. It occurs in all cells in our body and is mainly concentrated in the heart, liver and kidneys. Over the years, its synthesis in the body is reduced. Take care of your health, the vitality of your body and your youthful appearance with BATTERY VIT & MIN ANTIOX HARDCORE A balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Net amount : 104.2 g (30 servings) * Recommended intake may vary depending on taste. See package for precise information!

Content: 104.2 Gram (CHF 28.69* / 100 Gram)

CHF 29.90*
Battery BCAA 10:1:1 Hardcore 300g
Food supplement powder with amino acids and sweeteners. A composition of high quality amino acids (leucine, valine and isoleucine) in a ratio of 10: 1: 1, which help to reduce exhaustion and tiredness. The product has been specially developed for athletes and active people.

Content: 300 Gram (CHF 11.63* / 100 Gram)

CHF 34.90*

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