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Nutrend N1 Pre-Workout New Blackcurrant 510g
Food supplements with sweeteners. High caffeine content (200 mg / 17 g; 100 mg / 8.5 g) - Not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, made in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains active ingredients recognized by experts, which guarantee maximum effect when pumping the muscles and pushing the limits of physical performance. The new pre-workout N1 is designed for both strength and endurance performance and provides energy and strength throughout the entire sporting activity. For all athletes, N1 is a source of new strength, energy and, above all, a great feeling that comes from the completed training. 3500 mg beta-alanine per serving 3500 mg L-arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate per serving 2660 mg creatine per serving 500 mg L-tyrosine per serving 500 mg L-alanine per serving 200 mg of caffeine per serving With B and C vitamins and calcium Determined for: Athletes of all categories Improvement of strength and endurance performance Net quantity: 510 g

Content: 0.51 Kilogramme (CHF 97.84* / 1 Kilogramme)

CHF 49.90*
Nutrend N1 Pre-Workout New Blackcurrant 510g
Food supplements with sweeteners. High caffeine content (200 mg / 17 g; 100 mg / 8.5 g) - Not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, made in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains active ingredients recognized by experts, which guarantee maximum effect when pumping the muscles and pushing the limits of physical performance. The new pre-workout N1 is designed for both strength and endurance performance and provides energy and strength throughout the entire sporting activity. For all athletes, N1 is a source of new strength, energy and, above all, a great feeling that comes from the completed training. 3500 mg beta-alanine per serving 3500 mg L-arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate per serving 2660 mg creatine per serving 500 mg L-tyrosine per serving 500 mg L-alanine per serving 200 mg of caffeine per serving With B and C vitamins and calcium Determined for: Athletes of all categories Improvement of strength and endurance performance Net quantity: 510 g

Content: 0.51 Kilogramme (CHF 97.84* / 1 Kilogramme)

CHF 49.90*
Nutrend N1 Pre-Workout 10X17g
Dietary supplements with sweeteners. High caffeine content (200mg/17g; 100mg/8.5g) - Not recommended for children or pregnant or lactating women. feed women. A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, made in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains active ingredients recognized by professionals that guarantee maximum action in pumping muscles and pushing the limits of physical performance. The new Pre-Workout N1 is designed for both strength and endurance performance and gives energy and strength throughout the sporting activity. For all athletes, N1 represents a source of new strength, energy and, above all, a great feeling that comes from the completed training. 3500 mg beta-alanine per serving 3500 mg L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate per serving 2660 mg of creatine per serving 500 mg L-Tyrosine per serving 500 mg L-Alanine per serving 200mg of caffeine per serving With B and C vitamins and calcium Reserved for: Athletes of all categories Improving strength and endurance performance Net quantity : 10x17 g

Content: 170 Gram (CHF 9.35* / 100 Gram)

CHF 15.90*
Nutrend N1 Pre-Workout 10X17g
Dietary supplements with sweeteners. High caffeine content (200mg/17g; 100mg/8.5g) - Not recommended for children or pregnant or lactating women. feed women. A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, made in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains active ingredients recognized by professionals that guarantee maximum action in pumping muscles and pushing the limits of physical performance. The new Pre-Workout N1 is designed for both strength and endurance performance and gives energy and strength throughout the sporting activity. For all athletes, N1 represents a source of new strength, energy and, above all, a great feeling that comes from the completed training. 3500 mg beta-alanine per serving 3500 mg L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate per serving 2660 mg of creatine per serving 500 mg L-Tyrosine per serving 500 mg L-Alanine per serving 200mg of caffeine per serving With B and C vitamins and calcium Reserved for: Athletes of all categories Improving strength and endurance performance Net quantity : 10x17 g

Content: 170 Gram (CHF 9.35* / 100 Gram)

CHF 15.90*
Nutrend N1 Pre-Workout 10X17g
Dietary supplements with sweeteners. High caffeine content (200mg/17g; 100mg/8.5g) - Not recommended for children or pregnant or lactating women. feed women. A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, made in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains active ingredients recognized by professionals that guarantee maximum action in pumping muscles and pushing the limits of physical performance. The new Pre-Workout N1 is designed for both strength and endurance performance and gives energy and strength throughout the sporting activity. For all athletes, N1 represents a source of new strength, energy and, above all, a great feeling that comes from the completed training. 3500 mg beta-alanine per serving 3500 mg L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate per serving 2660 mg of creatine per serving 500 mg L-Tyrosine per serving 500 mg L-Alanine per serving 200mg of caffeine per serving With B and C vitamins and calcium Reserved for: Athletes of all categories Improving strength and endurance performance Net quantity : 10x17 g

Content: 170 Gram (CHF 9.35* / 100 Gram)

CHF 15.90*
Nutrend N1 Pre-Workout New Blackcurrant 510g
Food supplements with sweeteners. High caffeine content (200 mg / 17 g; 100 mg / 8.5 g) - Not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, made in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains active ingredients recognized by experts, which guarantee maximum effect when pumping the muscles and pushing the limits of physical performance. The new pre-workout N1 is designed for both strength and endurance performance and provides energy and strength throughout the entire sporting activity. For all athletes, N1 is a source of new strength, energy and, above all, a great feeling that comes from the completed training. 3500 mg beta-alanine per serving 3500 mg L-arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate per serving 2660 mg creatine per serving 500 mg L-tyrosine per serving 500 mg L-alanine per serving 200 mg of caffeine per serving With B and C vitamins and calcium Determined for: Athletes of all categories Improvement of strength and endurance performance Net quantity: 510 g

Content: 0.51 Kilogramme (CHF 97.84* / 1 Kilogramme)

CHF 49.90*

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