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Battery Gainer 4000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy storage and recovery! It's made up of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It's easy to blend and has quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Calorie intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to both gain weight and increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active in sports and who consume a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of quick absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy stores in your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle breakdown. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's own secretion of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is not only suitable for weight sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 1.75* / 100 Gram)

CHF 69.90*
Battery Gainer 4000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy storage and recovery! It's made up of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It's easy to blend and has quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Calorie intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to both gain weight and increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active in sports and who consume a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of quick absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy stores in your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle breakdown. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's own secretion of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is not only suitable for weight sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 1.75* / 100 Gram)

CHF 69.90*
Battery Gainer 4000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy storage and recovery! It's made up of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It's easy to blend and has quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Calorie intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to both gain weight and increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active in sports and who consume a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of quick absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy stores in your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle breakdown. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's own secretion of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is not only suitable for weight sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 1.75* / 100 Gram)

CHF 69.90*
Battery Gainer 1000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy retention and recovery! It consists of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It is easy to mix and has a quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Caloric intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to gain weight as well as increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active and use up a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of rapid absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy depots of your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle loss. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's release of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is suitable not only for strength sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 0.50* / 100 Gram)

CHF 19.90*
Battery Gainer 1000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy retention and recovery! It consists of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It is easy to mix and has a quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Caloric intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to gain weight as well as increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active and use up a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of rapid absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy depots of your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle loss. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's release of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is suitable not only for strength sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 0.50* / 100 Gram)

CHF 19.90*
Battery Gainer 1000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy retention and recovery! It consists of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It is easy to mix and has a quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Caloric intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to gain weight as well as increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active and use up a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of rapid absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy depots of your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle loss. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's release of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is suitable not only for strength sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 0.62* / 100 Gram)

Variants from CHF 19.90*
CHF 24.90*
Battery Gainer 1000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy retention and recovery! It consists of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It is easy to mix and has a quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Caloric intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to gain weight as well as increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active and use up a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of rapid absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy depots of your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle loss. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's release of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is suitable not only for strength sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 4000 Gram (CHF 0.62* / 100 Gram)

Variants from CHF 19.90*
CHF 24.90*
Battery Gainer 1000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy retention and recovery! It consists of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It is easy to mix and has a quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Caloric intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to gain weight as well as increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active and use up a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of rapid absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy depots of your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle loss. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's release of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is suitable not only for strength sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 1 Kilogramme (CHF 298.80* / 12 Kilogramme)

Variants from CHF 19.90*
CHF 24.90*
Battery Gainer 1000g
Battery Gainer is a recovery product that gives you everything you need for maximum weight gain, muscle building, energy retention and recovery! It consists of 76% carbohydrates and 16% whey protein. It is easy to mix and has a quick absorption into your muscles. A must for gaining weight and muscle. Battery Gainer also contains creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-leucine and fiber. • For maximum weight gain. • Significantly improves muscle regeneration. • Additional creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine and L-leucine. • Caloric intake has never been so easy and tasted so good. • Low in lactose. Battery Gainer is the ultimate product for you who want to gain weight as well as increase your muscle mass . The supplement is also perfect for you who are very active and use up a lot of energy. The combination of carbohydrates and protein in various forms of rapid absorption allows you to get the most out of your workout. The carbohydrates have the task of quickly replenishing the energy depots of your muscles and radically preventing overtraining and muscle loss. The proteins consist of a large amount of the important BCAA amino acids , which stimulate the body's release of growth hormones. Protein is the building block for building muscle mass. Due to its composition, Battery Gainer is suitable not only for strength sports, but for all sports that require more weight, muscle mass and strength.

Content: 1 Kilogramme (CHF 298.80* / 12 Kilogramme)

Variants from CHF 19.90*
CHF 24.90*

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