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100% Natural Whey Protein 500g
Protein-rich powder, with lactase enzyme and sweetener. Food supplements. 100% natural whey protein. The Proteini 100% Natural Whey product contains a mixture of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate, which are among the highest quality protein sources. The product is completely free from added artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors. Protein is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It also contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and bone health. The recommended daily protein intake is 2-3 g per kg of body weight. Benefits: - 100% natural - With added digestive enzymes for better absorption - Without artificial flavors, colors and aromas - Sweetened with sweetener from the stevia plant Enjoy the delicious Proteini 100% Natural Whey !

Content: 500 Gram (CHF 4.98* / 100 Gram)

CHF 24.90*
100% Natural Whey Protein 500g
Protein-rich powder, with lactase enzyme and sweetener. Food supplements. 100% natural whey protein. The Proteini 100% Natural Whey product contains a mixture of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate, which are among the highest quality protein sources. The product is completely free from added artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors. Protein is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It also contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and bone health. The recommended daily protein intake is 2-3 g per kg of body weight. Benefits: - 100% natural - With added digestive enzymes for better absorption - Without artificial flavors, colors and aromas - Sweetened with sweetener from the stevia plant Enjoy the delicious Proteini 100% Natural Whey !

Content: 500 Gram (CHF 4.98* / 100 Gram)

CHF 24.90*
100% Natural Whey Protein 500g
Protein-rich powder, with lactase enzyme and sweetener. Food supplements. 100% natural whey protein. The Proteini 100% Natural Whey product contains a mixture of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate, which are among the highest quality protein sources. The product is completely free from added artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors. Protein is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It also contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and bone health. The recommended daily protein intake is 2-3 g per kg of body weight. Benefits: - 100% natural - With added digestive enzymes for better absorption - Without artificial flavors, colors and aromas - Sweetened with sweetener from the stevia plant Enjoy the delicious Proteini 100% Natural Whey !

Content: 500 Gram (CHF 4.98* / 100 Gram)

CHF 24.90*
100% Natural Whey Protein 500g
Protein-rich powder, with lactase enzyme and sweetener. Food supplements. 100% natural whey protein. The Proteini 100% Natural Whey product contains a mixture of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate, which are among the highest quality protein sources. The product is completely free from added artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors. Protein is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It also contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and bone health. The recommended daily protein intake is 2-3 g per kg of body weight. Benefits: - 100% natural - With added digestive enzymes for better absorption - Without artificial flavors, colors and aromas - Sweetened with sweetener from the stevia plant Enjoy the delicious Proteini 100% Natural Whey !

Content: 500 Gram (CHF 4.98* / 100 Gram)

CHF 24.90*
Battery Whey Gold Isolate 600g
Battery Whey Gold Isolate is ideal for those who want to increase their daily protein intake and for those with the goals of building muscle, weight loss and muscle recovery. Our product does not contain any additives and only provides the body with high quality whey protein isolate & hydrolyzate. A sensational 99% of the calories in Battery Whey Gold Isolate come from protein, and it contains less than 0.6g of carbohydrates and less than 0.5g of fat per serving. Battery Whey Gold Isolate is lactose-free, contains over 21g protein per 25g serving and is made up of both beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin fractions. When it comes to nutritional values, no other whey protein isolate can match. Battery Whey Gold Isolate contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and also to the maintenance of normal bones. Battery Whey Gold Isolate has no additives whatsoever and provides the body with nothing but high-quality whey protein isolate and hydrolyzate. - Whey isolate and hydrolyzate blend only - Incredible 99% calories from protein - Unmatched 19.2 g BCAA and 16.2 g L-glutamine per 100 g - Free from lactose, gluten, sugar and aspartame - Great for use around training - Mind-blowing delicious flavors We have invested years in perfecting the taste so that you can always look forward to your next shake. Battery Whey Gold Isolate is the premium protein of choice for those who want only the best. * A balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.

Content: 600 Gram (CHF 6.15* / 100 Gram)

CHF 36.90*
Ironmaxx 100% Whey Protein Bag French Vanilla 900g
Instant powder with protein for making a sports drink, with sweeteners. High quality whey shake with high bioavailability High in protein Contains all essential and non-essential amino acids (including BCAAs and EAAs) Preparation with water High solubility without clumping Available in different flavors Aspartame-free (sweetened with stevia and sucralose) Without preservative substances Great value for money * A balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Net quantity: 500 g / ¬ † 900 g / 2350 g / 2700 g

Content: 900 Gram (CHF 66.56* / 1000 Gram)

CHF 59.90*
Ironmaxx 100% Whey Protein French Vanilla 500g
Instant powder with protein for making a sports drink, with sweeteners. High quality whey shake with high bioavailability High in protein Contains all essential and non-essential amino acids (including BCAAs and EAAs) Preparation with water High solubility without clumping Available in different flavors Aspartame-free (sweetened with stevia and sucralose) Without preservative substances Great value for money * A balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Net quantity: 500 g / ¬ † 900 g / 2350 g / 2700 g

Content: 500 Gram (CHF 65.80* / 1000 Gram)

CHF 32.90*

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